We will provide a link to our “Content Collection Wizard”. The wizard will guide you along the way prompting you to provide information to ensure everything we need to make your business shine isn't missed. You can move at your own pace as every section allows you to save and return to it later, you don’t have to do it all in one go.
The monthly fee covers the support, software licencing, man power and system updates required to keep the site at the forefront of technology and performance. At the end of the 24 months, you can simply continue, month to month with the existing site at the same cost or discuss getting another site built with us. 2 years is a long way down the road in this industry, we aren't exactly sure what new technology might edge itself to the foreground nor at what time along the journey. Rest assured we will always remain agile and shift where necessary to stay ahead of the pack.
We offer up to 1/hr/mo free website support accessible via our email ticket system. This covers a wide variety of basic text and image style changes in 4x 15min increments.
Support hours are not accruable. We implement a 'Fair Go!' Policy that, as the name suggests, allows a modecum of flexibility between everyone.
Major or lengthy changes may incur a fee, are quoted and agreed upon before any work starts,
and is invoiced at $80/hr in 15min increments with a min charge of 1/hr.
The website will be built using WordPress, at the time of writing, WordPress claimed it is powering a staggering 41% of the entire web.
We have been using WordPress for many years.
We are comfortable with how it works and performs.
We use a varied range of mostly pro version paid plugins, they offer support and while not guaranteed, will usually be around for a long time.
The monthly fee includes hosting, SSL security certificate, software updates, general support (including minor content changes etc up to 1hr per month) and, if you opted for the Turbo version, it will include the caching and CDN features.
After you have provided all the content you want to be on the new site we aim to get the first draft to you within a week, then allowing for a round of changes it can be live 24hrs after that.
To receive support, we supply an email address to send your change requests to , this will create a6ticket in our system that can be tracked. We do our very best to deal with these the same day we receive them...there is no queue or having to chase us up.
To receive support, we supply an email address to send your change requests to , this will create a ticket in our system that can be tracked. We do our very best to deal with these the same day we receive them...there is no queue or having to chase us up.